Time to spread your wings! Chicken wings are always good, as long as they are cooked and crispy. Reputations are made and killed on just these two points. This is a basic, so feel free to pull from the caverns of your kitchen cupboard that one can of Tunisian seasoning and experiment.
This recipe is from our cookbook Good.Better.Bastard.
This deluxe cookbook is a culinary manifesto with 96 recipes like and 280+ pages Bastard-content. The dishes in this book are challenging, inspiring, but most of all very tasty. It is a reflection of what you like best on The Bastard makes. The story in this book is also told through the eyes of some inspiring artists. They took on the challenge of interpreting these 24 Bastard characters.
Ignite your grilling soul - because when it comes to BBQ, there's Good, there's Better, and then there's Bastard.
See more yummy dishes like this chicken wings recipe? Then also keep an eye on our Instagram page for even more delicious dishes: thebastard.official