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Bagel with cheese and picanha
Type of dish: Beef
Number of persons: 1

Up your snacking game with "The Round Roast" bagel. This savory round bun features super tender
picanha and creamy provolone cheese, a greasy fusion of smoky flavors on a delicious bagel.

This recipe comes from our brand new Bastard vacation special ram-packed with BBQ inspiration and cocktails inspired by our friends at Don Papa, carefully curated to guide you in creating the ultimate party food.
Turn on your Bastard , shake some fabulous cocktails and this holiday season is all about great food, good friends and Bastard flavors.

Also keep an eye on our Instagram page for even more delicious dishes: thebastard.official

Cooking time: 20 min |

Preparation time: 30 min |

Temperature: 180°C

What do you need?

- Picanha
- Bagels
- Melt Cheese ( provolone,cheddar, mozzarella, Swiss, etc.)
- Butter or olive oil (for grilling)
- Herbs and spices to taste (such as salt,
pepper, garlic powder)


These products can help you prepare this recipe!

Preparation method

  1. Preheat The Bastard preheat to 180 degrees.
  2. Brush the picanha lightly with olive oil and season with seasonings such as salt, pepper
    and garlic powder.
  3. Place the picanha directly on the grill. Grill the picanha for about 5 minutes on all sides (the
    exact grilling time depends on the thickness of the picanha and your personal preference for
  4. While the picanha is on the barbecue, cut the bagels in half and spread a thin layer of butter or olive oil on the cut sides.
  5. Place the bagel halves cut side down on the grill and grill for 1-2 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy.
  6. Once the picanha has reached the desired doneness and the bagel halves are well toasted, remove them from the barbecue.
  7. Slice the grilled picanha into thin pieces and mount it on one of the bagel halves and add
    melted cheese on top of the picanha.
  8. Close the lid of The Bastard to allow the cheese to melt. This usually only takes a few minutes.
  9. Place the other half of the bagel on top of the cheese and press gently to assemble the sandwich.

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