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Red Bastard
Type of dish: Fish
Number of persons: 4

On day 4, God created the sea creatures. The gurnard, at least, was not at the forefront of beauty. It has to be one of the ugliest fish you can find, but in taste it makes up for it. An additional advantage is that it does not fall apart easily. It has been proven again. Ugly and tasty go well together.

Preparation time: 30 |

Temperature: give the BBQ a whirl. Hot hot hot hot, 250 °C seems like a good idea

What do you need?

- 4 red beans, ready for cooking - 4 sprigs of rosemary - 2 tbs oil - 2 tbs curry powder - 2 oranges, cut in half - 2 tbs butter - 2 tbs oil - 400 g shallots - 2 red onions - 1 clove garlic - 1 tbs brown sugar - 2 tbs white wine - 2 tbs balsamic vinegar - 1 whole star anise

Preparation method

Shallot compote Heat butter and oil in a cast iron pan and fry halved shallots and red onion rings without colouring them. Add the crushed garlic, brown sugar, white wine, balsamic vinegar and star anise and simmer for 15 minutes. Allow the compote to cool and remove the star anise, which has done its job. Today is red Pick up 4 red beans, laugh at their foolish expression and rinse them with cold water. They love it, then pat them dry with kitchen paper. Slice the beans open at the belly side and put sprigs of rosemary in them. Brush the cut beans with oil and sprinkle them with pepper, salt and curry powder. Slice them 3 times diagonally on both sides and insert slices of orange. E.T. poon home Give the beans a fish clip to live in and place them on the hot BBQ. Roast them for 10-12 minutes until done. Turn them over halfway through. A core temperature of 62 °C is ideal. What a pleasure, you should do this every week, shouldn't you?

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