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Type of dish: Mutton

A real spring duo, this Texel lamb with Dutch rhubarb. Rhubarb is a sweet and sour vegetable with an inimitable flavour, which in this dish bravely takes on the spicy and salty flavours of lamb, veal and bacon.

Cooking time: 120 |

Preparation time: 60 |

Temperature: 200° direct

What do you need?

Rhubarb - 500 gr rhubarb - 4 sprigs of thyme - 4 tbs sugar Lamb rack - 2 lamb racks - 2 cloves of garlic pressed - 3 sprigs of thyme - 4 tbs olive oil - 1 tsp paprika - 2 to 3 sprigs rosemary - Bacon - 250 gr minced veal - Parsley - 1 tsp cinnamon - Pepper - Salt - Beaten egg - 1 portobello in pieces - 1 green jalapeño pepper

Preparation method

Rhubarb Cut 3 to 4 cm off the top and bottom of the rhubarb stalks and rinse them clean. Halve the thick rhubarb stalks lengthways and cut all stalks to the male average of about 15 cm. Place the rhubarb on a cast iron or oven dish. Spread the thyme leaves and sugar over the shortened boys. Make the bones as clean as possible and marinate the lamb racks with a mixture of the garlic, oil, thyme leaves and paprika. Wrap them in aluminium foil and give them some time in the fridge. Mix the minced lamb with the egg, chopped parsley, cinnamon, portobello and chopped jalapeño pepper (without seeds) into a nice compact homogeneous mass. Game of Bones - Remove the lamb rack from the fridge and bend it inside out (meat facing in) into a half-moon. Cut the ends of the meat diagonally. Insert butcher's twine between the first and second bones to join the 2 half moons together. Cover the outside with breakfast bacon and wrap the whole thing with butcher's twine so that you get a nice round crown. The bones should bend outwards. Place your crown on aluminium foil and cut off just enough foil to cover the lamb. Remove the hole where the veal should go. Fill that with veal mince on both top and bottom. Press it firmly so that it stays in place and put rosemary between the bones. Braise the rhubarb in the hot BBQ for about 15 minutes until tender. Put the meat on the BBQ. Lamb is ready at a core temperature of 55 °C. Minced veal is ready at 70 °C. It is wise to protect the lamb with aluminium foil up to a degree of 48. The warming minced meat will also cook the lamb. Then remove the foil and allow the crown to warm up further.

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